Brand Aid: bandages that don't stick?

After years, actually, decades of being a true and loyal (Johnson & Johnson) Band-Aid buyer, I bought a pack of 3M Nexcare bandages from my nearest supermarket. Guess what? They don't stick.

I've been to the Nexcare website, and the pack I purchased isn't even on the products page. Maybe, it's a grey market pack, pushed across some unknown border by bandage smugglers? Maybe it's one where the 3M factory accidentally used the same adhesive they use on the yellow stickies – meaning, meant to come off?

This isn't just a complaining, whining kind of post. It's a bit of brand-aid for Johnson and Johnson as well. You see, up at my closest supermarket they follow a rather creative form of product distribution for the aisles. You'll find sweet potatoes in fruits. Shampoos with laundry detergents. And chocolates with cola. But that's no reason why the brand managers, the distribution guys cannot voice to the store guys where and when they feature and shelf their products. In the tiny medications part of the soap aisle, I found only Nexcare. So, where were the Band-Aid packs? In hair-care? With shopper-marketing becoming such an important part of the brand experience these days, this is a bit of a #fail.

Being in a hurry, I picked up a pack of 50, simple one size Nexcare 3M bandages. Because I could not locate the Band-Aid bandages. And now, I'm stuck (well, NOT actually), with a pack I do not want. The store won't take it back because I opened the pack. Customer satisfaction is not one of their strengths. And I am afraid to put a couple of these in my son's school bag in case of an emergency scrape, because, I know, they'll come off.

So, now I'll just use these Nexcare ones as wounded reminder notes on my To Do notes or Pay Bills papers. And go out and get a pack of real bandages. Ones that stick. Ones that my mom trusted and I grew up with.

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