2012: Some Amazing Internet Numbers

The year 2012 was an amazing year for internet numbers. The MCN Insights Library gathered these numbers from monitoring company Royal Pingdom. Some of these numbers absolutely boggle the mind, and some of them, we’ve come to accept.
There are 2.4 billion internet users worldwide as of end-2012. And, 2.2 billion email users worldwide – of which 425 million use Gmail, making it the biggest email service around. A big new one: there were 1.3 billion smartphones in use worldwide by the end of 2012. You want to browse? There were 634 million websites (with 51 million being added to the web every year) and 246 million domain name registrations in 2012. 
Want social? Of course you know about Facebook passing 1 billion users in October as well as Twitter’s 200 million in December. But here’s more number cruching: 2.7 billion likes on Facebook every day, 175 million tweets were sent on Twitter every day, while Google’s +1 button was used a whopping 5 billion times per day. 300 million – Number of new photos added every day to Facebook.
Search? 1.2 trillion searches on Google in 2012. Surprising one? 87.8 million – Number of Tumblr blogs. And, new on the scene: 5 billion  The total number of photos uploaded to Instagram since its start, reached in September 2012.
Middle East? 90 million – Number of Internet users in the Middle East.  And Obama? 819,000+ – Number of retweets of Barack Obama’s tweet “Four more years”, the most retweets ever.

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