Here are some of the top apps for both iPhone and Android platforms that are hot favorites in the advertising agency world. We hope you'll find them useful...

This FREE Dropbox app is very popular with agency people, and extremely useful for transfering documents – either for sharing or for when you're traveling and need to access your files on the go. Creatives absolutely love it. It lets you
- Access your Dropbox on the go.
- Sync downloaded files so they’re up-to-date.
- View your files on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
- Download files for offline viewing.
- Take photos and videos and sync them to your Dropbox.
- Share links to files in your Dropbox.
- View interactive photo galleries.
Available on the App Store and for Android at Dropbox for Android

Remember everything with Evernote... This fantastic app lets you create notes, snap photos, and record voice memos that you can then access any time — from your phone, computer, or the web. Features include:
- Create text, snapshot, and voice notes any time
- Snap photos of white board, business cards, or product labels and Evernote will recognize the text in the images
- Turn your on its side to scroll through an endless stream of notes.
Available on the App Store and for Android on Evernote Apps on Google Play

Facebook on your mobile or tablet makes it easier than ever to stay connected on the go. You can update your status numerous times day once you have Facebook in your pocket. Facebook lets you look up maps and directions, check events and more. Have chats and group conversations, play games and share all your updates.
Available on the App Store and on Android on Facebook for Android
Scanner Pro for iPhone

ScannerPro for iPhone costs $6.99 and it's one great useful app – designed for both iPhone and iPad. It transforms your phone into a iin-pocket scanner for when you don't have quick access to one. You can also scan multipage documents and email them or upload it to your DropBox. Scanned documents can be emailed and then printed or uploaded to Evernote, DropBox or Google Drive. And useful docs can be saved on your phone/pad.
Available on the App Store
CamScanner – Phone PDF creator for Android
The most downloaded scanning app for smartphones over the world! More than 40 million users’ choice over the world!
Available on Google Play store for Free
TweetDeck is your mobile browser for staying in touch with what's happening on Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and Buzz. TweetDeck makes it easy to stay up to date and organized no matter where you are.
Available on the App Store and for Android on Google Play
This is a way cool app – Free for both iPhone and Android platforms. Flipboard is a personal news magazine filled with everything being shared across the Web, from breaking news to stories on world events, sports, travel and more. Simply pick a few topics and your Flipboard is instantly populated with the news you care about.
But it’s not just about news. Use Flipboard to flip through social networks. Add Facebook, Twitter to browse articles and photos friends are sharing. Instagram and Flickr photos are beautiful to see in your personal magazine. Now the news your friends share is easy to flip through, with headlines and excerpts that give you an immediate glimpse into everything. It’s a fun way to catch up on all your social news.
Available on the App Store and for Android on Google Play
Ad Age on mobile

Stay in touch with what's hot and what's not in the world of advertsing with this handy app from Advertising Age – featring Latest, Digital, Media and Agency news tabs. All the most recent news and views from Ad Age, the leading global source of marketing and intelligence. No fancy stuff, just up-to-the-minute news from Digital, Mediaworks, Agency News, Global News and CMO Strategy. Read it, share it, tweet it--on the go.
Note: While the Android version is available in the Middle East, we're told only US iTunes store registrations can download the iPhone app.
Available on the App Store and for Android on Google Play
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